One Last Picnic

i-LR3Bnq4-XL About a week ago I found out that the Tomales Bay Oyster Company will be removing their picnic tables and barbecue grills because of a Marin County code enforcement. Sadly their current hours of operations from 9am to 5pm everyday will be cut down to only half days on Friday, Saturday and Sunday effective October 16th, 2015. KPIX News on Channel 5 also showed up while we were there and interviewed the owner along with some of their customers. My family and I visit a few times during the year so we decided to come one last time before they shutdown their picnic area. Here are some photos from the day.

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SF Rush

SF Rush, "The Challenge Run." What is it? "The Challenge covers a 4.9k obstacle course where participants must conquer hundreds of stairs, ramps, tire flips, back pedals, sprints, high steps through bungees, combine drills, and bust through padded gauntlets. The races finishes on the field of Levi’s Stadium." I have no clue why I agreed to sign up for this! I never work out and for some reason I thought eh, how bad can this be? Well it was pretty damn intense, in the description when they say "hundreds of stairs" I think they should have said thousands of stairs! In the end I'd do it all over again, here are some photos I somehow managed to take.