Sushi Boat Sunday

i-CQwqLRk-XL My first time trying out "Fuji Sushi Buffet" and I'll have to say definitely not bad for $17.99 all you can eat sushi boat.  One recommendation get there early! The restaurant opened at 11am and there was already a line of people waiting to get in. Lucky for us, we were second in line so there was no problem grabbing seats at the sushi bar. The service was quick and the staff was friendly, not a bad way to enjoy Sunday.


i-bx9WWRn-XL This Hamachi cheek was.... "hella good!"

i-xX8XdLQ-XLI didn't even know they had raw oysters and ordered them by accident, one of my favs.













The Fuji x100T

Since the announcement of the Fuji x100T I've been fighting the urge to upgrade my original Fuji x100 that I've owned for several years. My Fuji x100 was my daily street fighter and has traveled with me all over the world and had proven itself over and over. Last month I finally gave in and decided to pick up the Fuji x100T to see if it would really change anything for me and surprisingly yes it did! The Fuji x100T totally has changed my work flow of how I do things. The ability to wifi .jpg photos over to my phone or tablet alone has been worth the upgrade. Here's an example of what I mean... I was at a family party and took a good number of photos (about 80), I then transferred the photos instantly to my iPhone and "Air Dropped" them to everyone at the party who had an iPhone. These were all high qualtiy .jpg's already processed with Fuji's Classic Chrome in the camera. The key thing here for me was not having the need for a laptop to download the photos, process, then upload for all to see and share. Oh did I mention I did this all within 15minutes while still at the party? Now tell me that is not a game changer? I'll be heading off to the Caribbean in the near future so I'm really juiced at seeing how the Fuji x100T will differ from the original x100 with my travel photography. For now here are some everyday photos I've taken with the Fuji x100T over the last month of owning it, note these are all straight out of the camera using only Fuji's Classic Chrome in camera .jpg preset.  

i-2x6pgmG-XL i-3qbfk2p-XLi-LPWdNqF-XLi-9vTXDTs-XL i-BKv4drz-XL i-bMgQBJR-XLi-48BnSjF-XL i-bQ8tdmx-XL i-c8xPnZr-XL i-CbMpw8t-XL i-dDqJ78Z-XL i-drW7Sf4-XL i-FPRVMNH-XL i-hFKKcsd-XLi-gscVVRJ-XL i-hbzxqx3-XL i-J3bGgTv-XL i-P4JBq6F-XL i-rFBpZcn-XL i-rRLq6HB-XLi-P2bnPzs-XLi-XxkHKZv-XL i-S2mZHVk-XL i-TZxJxVz-XL i-vnnhb8M-XL i-xb63KdV-XL i-xjdrvGT-XL i-4ML8PFp-XLi-6rGDCzh-XL