Dubs on 7

The other night I received a few messages from people letting me know they had seen a photo of my dog Hudson on the local news station. I stayed up to catch their next broadcast and there he was! I couldn't stop laughing, pretty cool to see the little guy on TV. Below are a few other portraits I've taken of him during the week.








Warriors Parade

It's been 40 years since Golden State last won a championship. No wonder on Friday June 19th, 2015 close to a million "Dub Nation" fans came to fill the streets of Oakland California to celebrate. At times I was squished in between so many people it was almost impossible to take any pictures, not to mention it was pretty damn hot as well! Regardless at the end of the day the experience was well worth it and I'd gladly do it all over again.                                   


What a crazy season and playoff run for the Golden State Warriors! Of course being a fan of theirs I'm happy they were able close it out and win the NBA Finals. Here are a few portraits I took of my dog Hudson showing off his "DubNation" pride! i-5MRHsPF-XL i-khcSVS3-XLi-pgcfJ57-XL i-dvZNWBk-XL i-HXmMvhR-XL i-K9zCsNF-XL