
A photo session with 4yr old "Skully." Right off the bat when I saw Skully I knew this was going to be a fun quick and easy shoot. In fact it actually took me longer to setup my equipment and check my settings than the actual shoot. Skully was definitely a ham in front of the camera and loved every minute of it.

 Of course the best part of a shoot, is always taking a photo with the model = )


1996 was the last time I visited Japan and back then I didn't care about photography, traveling, or even Japanese food. At that time I went along with my parents to visit family members we had living in Tokyo. Fast forward to 2013... This time around things were definitely going to be different. I made sure to appreciate every little thing and adsorb as much of the culture as I could. Sensory overload would be a good way to describe my experience, I even slept through a 7.1 earthquake. I'd like to thank my cousins Lester & Jaydee for taking the time to be my guides, you can check out Lester's portfolio here:

iPhone 4

iPhone 4

iPhone 4

iPhone 4

iPhone 4